Governance Council » Governance Council

Governance Council

Governance Council Members

What is the Charter Governance Council?

As a District-Affiliated charter school, Dixie has more autonomy over policies, programs and procedures at the school.  The school’s Charter Governance Council, comprised of elected teacher, parent and staff representatives, helps us fulfill the objectives of our Charter.  The Charter Governance Council votes on the expenditure of the Affiliated Block Grant within certain parameters set forth by the state and Charter School’s Division of LAUSD. In addition, the Council acts in an advisory role to the school’s administration in a range of areas.  All staff, teachers and parents are welcome to attend Charter Governance Meetings.


What are Charter Committees?

The Governance Council has 4 committees that act as the advisory arm of the Charter.  These committees meet separately from the Governance Council and report progress at regular monthly Council meetings.  There are no requirements to be a member of any committee, which gives everyone in our community an opportunity to contribute, research and make recommendations to our school Council.  Our Committees include the following: Budget and Finance, Facilities and Safety, Curriculum, and Diversity and Equity.


Brown Act Summary ~ Ralph M. Brown Act, located at California Government Code 54950 et seq., is an act of the California State Legislature, authored by Assembly member Ralph M. Brown and passed in 1953, that guarantees the public’s right to attend and participate in meetings of local legislative bodies.

Applicable categories described in Charter School Transparency Resolution

Dixie Canyon Community Charter | School Page (

Charter Transparency RES-017-15-16


Dixie Charter Petition