About Us » Principal's Message

Principal's Message

PrincipalWelcome to the new school year! We appreciate that you have chosen our school to nurture and educate your child. We are honored to have this opportunity to make this school year a unique and valuable experience. We will continue to differentiate the curriculum and structure our day to meet the needs of all of our students. Our goal is to provide each student with a rigorous and challenging learning experience appropriate to their academic level.


As the Principal of Dixie Canyon Community Charter, I will continue to collaborate with our community to foster a school climate that promotes child-centered instruction and decision-making, academic excellence, positive interactions, and respect. My objective this year is to further enhance the educational experience for all of our students. We will be working to monitor student progress and build programs for students based on where they are today, and where they need to be, so they are Ready for the World.


We encourage you to become involved, whether through our English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), Local School Leadership Council (LSLC), Governance Council or as a volunteer on our campus. Your active support and cooperation, combined with our professional efforts, will ensure academic success. Thank you for collaborating with us as we begin a new school year Dolphin Strong!



Ms. Lopez
